CLICK HERE for the latest COVID-19 and facility updates from Jeff Ellis Management.
Jeff Ellis Management Official Statement about COVID-19
Thank you to our aquatic partners for taking precautions and staying safe during these unprecedented times. Remembering that COVID-19 is a serious virus and take into consideration safety for yourself and others around you. We as Jeff Ellis Management, take your facilities safety and the safety of any participants seriously. Please keep in mind that COVID-19 is transmitted through the air and not through water. Please CLICK HERE for more information. Properly maintained swimming pools, hot tubs and spas coupled with social distancing and increased facility cleaning and disinfecting procedures of surfaces outside of the pool work in combination to keep guests and staff safe. Please CLICK HERE for information pertaining to operations, maintenance and Jeff Ellis Swimming.

Wait List Registration


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Please note: the Round Lake Area Park District Pool Private Swim Lesson Program on Mon, Jun 24 is at capacity. Completing this registration form will place you on a wait list to give you priority access should a spot open up.
Currently there are 0 people on the wait list.
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